Subscription Renewal Charging
For renewal charges on subscription services, Service Providers need to invoke the subscription renewal charge API.
Renewal Charging
- Service Providers are not required to redirect users to AOC Page.
- Maximum retry for renewal charging is limited to 1 time per day.
- Service Providers are allowed to call for renewal charges after the expiry date and within the grace period.
HTTP Method |
POST <AOC_SERVER>/api/renewSubscription
Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Parameter
Parameter Name | Description | Usage |
apiKey | This will be API Key to access AOC. Will be provided by BOOSTCONNECT. | (STRING) Mandatory |
username | This will be the username provided to the Service Provider by BOOSTCONNECT. | (STRING) Mandatory |
spTransID | This is a unique transaction id per API call event generated by Service Provider. It is your reference for troubleshooting purposes. | (STRING) Mandatory |
description | This is the text to appear on the user's bill to allow them to easily identify what they have bought. | (STRING) Mandatory |
currency | This is the 3-figure code as per ISO 4217. | (STRING) Mandatory |
amount | This is the actual amount being charged. It needs to be two-digit decimals such as 3.00, 6.50 and etc. This can be a step-down charging amount but it’s only applicable upon approval from BOOSTCONNECT. | (DECIMAL) Optional |
onBehalfOf | The actual Payee Company Name. | (STRING) Mandatory |
purchaseCategoryCode | A purchase category code provided by BOOSTCONNECT. | (STRING) Mandatory |
referenceCode | Same as the purchase category code. This id will be used for any future reconciliation purposes. | (STRING) Optional |
channel | Indicates the source of user interaction. | (STRING) Mandatory |
taxAmount | The tax charged by the merchant. | (DECIMAL) Mandatory |
msisdn | The MSISDN of the subscriber. The user’s MSISDN includes the country code, e.g. 60191234567. | (STRING) Mandatory |
operator | The operator code provided by BOOSTCONNECT. | (STRING) Mandatory |
subscriptionID | This is a unique subscription id for each different subscription package/service. | (STRING) Mandatory |
unSubURL | This is the unsubscribe URL that will be included in the Renewal SMS. | (STRING) Mandatory |
contactInfo | This is the contact information (contact number or email) that will be included in the Renewal SMS and Unsubscribe Success SMS. | (STRING) Mandatory |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:00:00 GMT
{ "data":
Response Parameter
Parameter Name | Description | Usage |
aocTransID | This is the unique transaction id generated by AOC Gateway. This id will be used for any future reconciliation purposes. The same id will be passed back to Service Provider’s callback URL once the transaction is completed. | (STRING) |
transactionOperationStatus | The status of the charge transaction is as below: 1. Charged. (mean successfully charged). 2. Denied. (failed to charge. Check the error code list for reason). 3. Processing. (mean the charge is still under processing. Refer to sections “Processing Status for Operator XL” and “Processing Status for PayTM Wallet” for more details). | (STRING) |
totalAmountCharged | This is the actual amount being charged. It can be a whole number or a two-digit decimal. | (DECIMAL) |
chargeMode | This represents the charge mode with available value as below; ● standard (this means it’s a normal standard transaction) ● split (this means the charge is under Split Charge mode) ● stepdown (this means the charge is under Step Down charge mode) | (STRING) |
expiryDate | ONLY APPLICABLE FOR STEP-DOWN CHARGING This is the expiry date of the step-down subscription chosen by the user in format dd-MM-yyyy | (STRING) |
subscriptionDuration | ONLY APPLICABLE FOR STEP-DOWN CHARGING This is the subscription duration of the step-down subscription chosen by the user. | (INT) |
errorCode | Please check the error code list. If successful, the error code will be “00”. | (STRING) |
errorMessage | Explanation of the error. | (STRING) |
Updated almost 2 years ago