For a refund on the previously charged transaction, Service Providers need to invoke the refund API. The refund API supports both full refunds and partial refunds. Service Providers need to make sure the total amount refunded doesn’t exceed the original charge amount, if not, the AOC platform will return an error for the refund transaction.


HTTP Method
POST <AOC_SERVER>/api/refund
Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Request Parameter

Parameter NameDescriptionUsage
usernameThis will be the username provided to the Service Provider by BOOSTCONNECT.(STRING) Mandatory
apiKeyThis will be API Key to access AOC. Will be provided by BOOSTCONNECT.(STRING) Mandatory
spTransIDThis is a unique transaction id per API call event generated by Service Provider. It is your reference for troubleshooting purposes.(STRING) Mandatory
aocTransIDThis is the aocTransID for the original charge transaction.(STRING) Mandatory
amountThis is the actual amount for the refund. It needs to be two-digit decimals such as 3.00, 6.50 and etc.(DECIMAL) Mandatory


HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Content-Type: application/json 
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2016 12:00:00 GMT

{ "data":

Response Parameter

Parameter NameDescriptionUsage
transactionOperationStatusThe status of the charge transaction is as below:

1. Refunded. (mean successfully refunded).
2. Denied. (failed to refund. Check the error code list for reason).
amountRefundedThis is the actual amount being refunded. It can be a whole number or a two-digit decimal.(DECIMAL)
aocTransIDThis is the unique transaction id generated by AOC Gateway. This id will be used for any future reconciliation purposes.(STRING)
clientCorrelatorThis is the client correlator id that will be returned for all successful refund transactions. Do keep this id as it will be used for reconciliation purposes.(STRING)
errorCodePlease check the error code list.(STRING)
errorMessageExplanation of the error.(STRING)